Thursday, December 3, 2009

Todays lecture began with a discussion of the invisable environment. media ecology is essentially the study of the media environment and more specifically how the media and the person interract. marshall mcluhan is a notable researcher in this field. one of his publications "media as extentions of man" outlines this concept in that teh media becomes in a way part of us and as a result we may not entirely notice it around us although it may fill our surrounding environment. Another researcher in the media ecological field is neil postman. his focus centred mainly upon language literacy and education whilst marshall mcluhans son eric has continued research in this area with research into ancient languages eg ancient mesopotanian and egyption languages whilst more recent studies by researchers such as adam muir have delved further into the media ecological field researching further into the nature of its existence its causality and its impact and significance upon our lives, proposing many various questions that we can ask so as to make the media environment more visable.

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