Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1.he wore a gas mask whilst riding his bike. (caslon analytics biographies)
2.the 1st email was sent in 1971 by ray tomlinson between 1 computer at UCLA and another at stanford research center. (
3. bill gates was born on the 25th october 1955. he sold his first soft ware at age 13. (
4. the www was invented in CERN Geneva switzerland. (
5.the computers used 30 years ago were obviously a great deal less powerful and slower the memory was only about 120 gb and the speed was dramatically slower..(articlesbase).
6.18lb 6 oz (
7.159. the tweed R is in nsw because in 1859 on the 6th june letters patented on this date show that teh border was to lie between the point danger and the rivers to the line of parrallel 29 degrees south.(
9.lord byron is still remembered in venice because he lived there. (
10.stephen stockwell the black assassins.

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