Sunday, November 29, 2009

todays lecture centred upon video games and their role and importance in todays society. video games were first used as far back as 1954 although as primitive and as simple as they were they were also hidden and not widely known or spoken of with one of the earliest being a game called "spacewar". a video we watched aired by bbc4 proposed teh idea that video games would eventually overtake other larger media forms such as telvision and cinema as the leading forms of entertainment. the history of video games was discussed with reference to other possibly more serious applications such as military purposes particularly with reference to simulation (notably war games) as well as simulation for medical purposes eg distance operations.
different schools have differing ideas or philosophies on teh nature of video games. one school (the narratology school) propose that video games must tell a story. the ludology school propose that they must be graphical whilst an alternative another school propose that they are infact a combination of and that they must involve simulation and an adherence to a set of rules.

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